Photo by Surprise Photography
Greetings! I'm Nina, a graphic designer from the Hudson Valley.
I have always had a passion for drawing & creating projects since I was a young girl. In high school, I was introduced to Advanced Placement Art my sophomore year. Since then, I took AP Art every year until I graduated and curated 3 portfolios consisting of illustrated works (24 pieces in each portfolio). During these years, my love for artwork and creating work that communicated ideas to others was solidified. It was not until late in my senior year of high school that I recognized the field of Graphic Design and decided to pursue a design degree.
As of May 2021, I graduated from SUNY New Paltz & I am currently a Graphic Designer at Katy Dwyer Design in Kingston, New York. I enjoy designing with others & I always seek opportunities to learn and grow as both a designer & a person. Some of my favorite areas of design include Web Design, UI/UX Design, Branding and Data Visualization.
When I am not designing, I enjoy horseback riding, playing ice hockey, spending time in nature and cuddling with my dog, Rose.
My resume is here. 
My LinkedIn is here.

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